Many children with developmental disabilities, chromosomal disorders, and complex medical needs now survive well into adulthood.
There is a tremendous need for family physicians who are able to manage patients with these kinds of medical problems.
This rotation will allow residents to gain progressive exposure to complex care in the pediatric and adolescent population.
PGY Class
PGY-1 [1 month]
PGY-2 [1 month]
PGY-3 [1 month]
4 Weeks
1. Learn an approach to managing patients with complex medical needs.
2. Gain in-depth knowledge of complications of prematurity, chromosomal anomalies such as Down Syndrome, and other underlying disorders.
3. Obtain experience in determining appropriate specialty referrals and coordinating care with multiple specialists.
4. Develop an understanding of the major rehabilitation modalities of speech, physical, and occupational therapy, including indications for referral.
5. Learn about the financial, insurance, and legal challenges faced by patients with special needs and their parents, and the resources available for addressing these challenges.
The Multi-Assistance Center at Morgan’s Wonderland