Dr. Guilherme Corral D.O.
Dr. Guilherme Corral D.O.
What is your hometown?
Austin, TX.
Where did you attend medical school?
Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine.
What other educational credentials do you have?
B.S. in Biology.
M.S. in Medical Sciences.
What are your particular clinical interests and why?
Women’s health, wellness and weight loss, procedures. I enjoy being able to provide complete care to my patients. From removing a cyst, to helping them achieve their health goals. The biggest of these interests for me is obstetrics, because of the complexity of care that involves many components of preventative medicine and interventions. Plus, mom’s and their babies are the best.
Why did you choose Family Medicine?
I wanted a speciality that allows me to provide complete care to my patient and allowed me to hone into my interests, which are many. Although I’ve found a passion for women’s health, I enjoy being able to practice a little bit of everything. Furthermore, in Family Medicine we get to care for our patients in all parts of their lives and to me that is one of the most rewarding parts of our profession.
Why did you choose the Community Based Family Medicine Residency program?
The ability to practice in setting where we get to meet the community where they are at. We work with a very culturally diverse community with many complex culture and health components. I feel that caring for our patients we
learn so much about the human experience and new ways to help our fellow man.
What are your hobbies and interests outside of medicine?
Hiking, weight training, rollerskating, skateboarding, playing guitar, listening to music, cooking, and watching movies.
Dr. Guilherme Corral D.O.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications:
Guilherme Corral, DO, Crystel Harb, DO, MPH, Zara Lodhra, DO Candidate Class of 2023, Amanda Turner, DO, Erin Parker, DO, Bridget Thackeray, DO, Nichole Van De Putte, MD. “A retrospective analysis of postpartum adherence to follow up in High-Risk OB patients in Primary Care.” Family Medicine Journal. In Publication.